To create an order form to order SpiralGraphics select the Ordering Info... menu item from the Options menu. Click on the Order Form button and fill out the order form. To create a file you can later email or print click on the Create Form button. To print the form directly click on the print button.
To use SpiralGraphics move the ring to the position you want, set the size of the ring and circle and the position of the pen, choose a pen color and background color and draw.
To see what you can do if you register the program select Run Demo from the Options menu. You will also be able to save and print your finished drawings if you register.
The Ring:
To reposition the ring just click on it and drag it to the new position.
The ring size can be changed.
From the palette.
• click on one of the rings to change to one of the basic sizes.
From the menu.
• select one of the basic sizes from the Ring menu.
To set the ring to any size
• choose the Set All Values... item from the Option menu
• click on the small ring with an arrow next to it from the palette
• double click on the ring itself.
The Circle:
The circle size can be changed.
From the palette.
• click on one of the circles to change to one of the basic sizes.
From the menu.
• select one of the basic sizes from the Circle menu.
To set the circle to any size
• choose the Set All Values... item from the Option menu
• click on the small ring with an arrow next to it from the palette
• double click on the circle itself.
The Pen:
The pen position can be changed.
From the menu.
• select one of the basic positions from the Pen menu.
To set the pen to any position
• choose the Set All Values... item from the Option menu
• click on the small ring with an arrow next to it from the palette
• click on the pen itself and drag it to the right.
The pen color can be changed by clicking on the spiral icon and then clicking on the desired color on the palette.
The background color can be changed by click on the icon with the spiral and the black background and then select a color from the palette.
The Angle:
To set the angle that the circle is incremented as it moves, choose the Set All Values... item from the Option menu or double click on the ring or circle.
• To start drawing click on the pencil from the palette or choose Draw from the Draw menu. To interrupt drawing click the mouse button anywhere.
• You can resume from where you stopped by clicking on the pencil drawing a line icon on the palette or by choosing Resume from the Draw menu.
• The eraser on the palette and the Erase item in the Draw menu erase the screen. Note: you only have to click once, not double click, the icon on the palette.
If you do not want to see the ring, circle and pen you can hide them by either clicking the gray icon of a ring and circle from the palette or uncheck Show Objects from the Options menu. Hiding the objects will also speed up the drawing process.
You can show and hide the palette by selecting the Show Palette item from the Options menu. The Rotate Palette item in the Options menu will make the palette appear horizontally or vertically. On small monitors you may have to set it to horizontal to be able to access all the colors.
If you choose Random Settings from the Options menu the computer will set all the variables, ring and circle size, pen position and angle, to random numbers. Try it out to discover new designs you might not have thought of.
The Speed menu item in the Options menu controls the speed that the image is drawn. Max draws the image as fast as your computer can. Slow slows the drawing down so you can watch it draw on fast machines. When Step is chosen the angle will be incremented and the line drawn once for every time you press the space bar. This gives you the most control of all.
When you get your registration password choose Register... from the Options menu. You must enter the name, as well as the password, EXACTLY as you received it . Don't try using a nickname because it just won't work.
The Ordering Info... item in the Options menu has some extra information about SpiralGraphics. It also has a button which will brings up a form you can fill out and automatically create an order form for you.